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Forty Acres Fresh Market News April 18, 2024

Time To Ramp Up The Flavor!

a bunch of ramps on a brown table

It's ramp season! Ramps are a foraged wild leek that comes from the northeast in the United States and parts of eastern Canada. The flavor is garlicky by the bulb with milder flavor in the leaves. They have a very short season, and once you get them in the house, you only have a few days to use them before their leaves start to wilt. We've got a great recipe for a compound butter on our blog along with tips on how to clean and store them.


Who All Gon' Be There?

rendering of Forty Acres Fresh Market checkout stands
Who are the people in your grocery store?

With construction on the Forty Acres Fresh Market store is well underway many people are asking how the store will be staffed. Typically hiring for a new store starts about 12 weeks prior to opening.

Although we do not have an exact opening date quite yet, we have already planned out the store's staffing needs. There will be 15 full-time positions and 7 part-time. Full-time jobs include a meat department manager/butcher, produce department manager, deli/kitchen manager, and cooks. There will also be part-time roles at the front end for cashiers.

Our goal is for the store team to reflect the neighborhood in which it operates. Full job descriptions and postings will be released in the coming months. Subscribe to the Forty Acres Fresh Market newsletter and follow us on social media for updates and announcements.


Are You That Somebody?

We're Hiring flyer

The Austin Town Hall Farmers Market is right around the corner and that means the Forty Acres Fresh Market produce stand will be open again soon. We are seeking an individual to manage the produce stand for the 2024 season (June - October).

The successful candidate will demonstrate a passion for food access and local food systems with a track record of managing inventory, merchandising, and a selling team. The position is part-time (22-25 hours per week), seasonal, and begins the week of May 12, 2024.

Do you think you're the right person for this job? Click below for a full job description and application.


Let's get social!

When you follow us on social media, you get to experience a different side of Forty Acres Fresh Market. We've got videos and photos that are not included in our weekly newsletter or even on our blog. We also love seeing what you're up to, so go ahead and tag us in your Forty Acres related content. You can follow us on TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , and even Twitter*. *We know that the name has changed, but just as you won't hear us calling the Sears Tower Willis Tower, you won't hear us talking about 'X' without Malcom in front of it.


We Want To Know What You Think!

Have you got questions, or maybe you just want to tell us what's on your mind. Well, we want to hear all about it! Speak on it in the comment section below.

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