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Forty Acres Fresh Market News April 5, 2024

Make Your Grocery List Forty Acres Fresh

Is it spring? Kind of. Is it winter? Sort of. How are you supposed to make your meal plans when Mother Nature is acting a whole fool? Right now, we've got some butternut squash that you can use to make our gourd-geous chili recipe. When the weather turns, make sure you have some asparagus on hand so you can create this awesome Asian-inspired marinade and get those stalks on the grill.

Get yourself a $20 Mix It Up Box and when you get to the delivery details page, tell us that you'd like some butternut squash and asparagus in your order!


Bake Your Brownies And Eat Them Too!

a pan of brownies cut into squares and dusted with powdered sugar
These brownies are vegan to boot!

Our newest recipe on the blog helps you satisfy your sweet tooth while getting in some nutrition. Sweet potatoes help to bring the ooey, gooey, fudgey texture that you know and love in your brownies. Feed your craving for chocolately goodness while getting in a little veg at the same time!


Why Did We Believe That Groundhog?

A Black woman wearing a forty acres fresh market hoodie
Stay Warm This Spring

On February 2 we all waited with bated breath for a rodent to predict the weather. He was wrong. Winter is still going. It's cold as heck and you need to bundle up again. Grab yourself a soft, warm, Forty Acres Fresh Market hoodie with kangaroo pocket and stay cozy through "spring".


Get Fresh From Afar

A person shopping for fresh produce with a sign that reads we accept Illinois Link
Your GOGO is giving

If you lived within our delivery area you would definitely be a subscriber, and do all you can to support this Black woman-owned business. Don't let your location stop you from joining Forty Acres Fresh Market's mission to make sure every hood is healthy.

Select a Get One Give One (GOGO) produce box. We pack GOGO boxes with the same high quality fresh produce you would get delivered to your door, and get them to our neighbors experiencing food insecurity.

Don't worry. You do not have to get one to give one. When you buy a GOGO produce box, your purchase is donated to our community partners for distribution.

Purchase a GOGO box today and let's get one step closer to fresh food for all!


Let's get social!

When you follow us on social media, you get to experience a different side of Forty Acres Fresh Market. We've got videos and photos that are not included in our weekly newsletter or even on our blog. We also love seeing what you're up to, so go ahead and tag us in your Forty Acres related content. You can follow us on TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , and even Twitter*. *We know that the name has changed, but just as you won't hear us calling the Sears Tower Willis Tower, you won't hear us talking about 'X' without Malcom in front of it.


We Want To Know What You Think!

Have you got questions, or maybe you just want to tell us what's on your mind. Well, we want to hear all about it! Speak on it in the comment section below.

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