Forty Acres Fresh Market News May 22, 2024
Join Our Team!

Forty Acres Fresh Market is in hiring mode. We have full-time and part-time seasonal positions available.
The Austin Town Hall Farmers Market is right around the corner. We need to fill the following part-time roles for the 2024 season:
Produce Stand Manager (starting at $20/hr)
Market Manager’s Assistant (Starting at $22/hr)
We also have the following full-time job opening:
Business Operations Associate (starting at $17/hr + tips during delivery shifts)
Do you know know the right person for our team? Are you the right person. Click below for full job descriptions and applications.
Let's Get Grilling!

This week we were thinking about which recipe we should prepare for the blog. We were overwhelmed with choice. So we decided to take a look at our recipe reservoir for some delightful suggestions for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. Kicking off our list is corn salsa. If you're putting brats on the grill we've got your sauerkraut needs covered. Check out our full recipe options on our blog, and happy cooking!
GOGO Fresh Produce!

You have told us that you shop with Forty Acres Fresh Market because you believe in our mission of "Fresh food for all because every hood should be healthy." It is time for you to become an active participant in getting fresh produce to your neighbors by purchasing a Get One Give One (GOGO) produce box.
When you add a GOGO produce box to your order, you ensure that everyone has access to the same high-quality, nutritious food that you do. Your GOGO is donated to our community partners who distribute it to your neighbors experiencing food insecurity.
Purchase a GOGO box today and support others in reaching their healthy eating goals too.
Coming Attractions!
There are 9 days left until Forty Acres Fresh Market's Grown Good Box goes on sale for the 2024 Midwest growing season. You have already gotten a taste of some of the season's bounty with ramps, asparagus, and rhubarb. There is so much more to come. Our favorite local growers gave us a sneak peak at what they have in the ground right now. Urban Growers Collective is growing great greens. Urban Canopy recently pulled their radishes and they are looking ravishing. B. Lavender Farms is going to have blueberries, garlic, ginger, and turmeric this summer. And Mick Klug Farm just released the season's first strawberries! This year's Grown Good Box variety is shaping up to be epic. Get ready to go local!
Let's get social!
When you follow us on social media, you get to experience a different side of Forty Acres Fresh Market. We've got videos and photos that are not included in our weekly newsletter or even on our blog. We also love seeing what you're up to, so go ahead and tag us in your Forty Acres related content. You can follow us on TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , and even Twitter*. *We know that the name has changed, but just as you won't hear us calling the Sears Tower Willis Tower, you won't hear us talking about 'X' without Malcom in front of it.
We Want To Know What You Think!
Have you got questions, or maybe you just want to tell us what's on your mind. Well, we want to hear all about it! Speak on it in the comment section below.