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Forty Acres Fresh Market News May 15, 2024

Put That On Everything? I Put That On My Life

Grilled corn salad with tomato and avocado
Avocado Smoothie

They don't call avocado a superfood for nothing. Those green orbs are packed with with the healthy food trifecta: fiber, fat (of the Omega-3 variety), and protein. Add in antioxidants and vitamin E and each bite makes your life better. Live your best life. Our recipe of the week is a simple avocado and berry smoothie with spinach and almonds. Just another way to get more avocado in you and get that glow!


Link Up With The Austin Town Hall Farmers Market

a man at the farmers market with LINK match coupons
Use Your Benefits To Their Max!

Mark your calendars. The 2024 Austin Town Hall Farmers Market season starts on June 6th! Come see us every Thursday from 1:00PM - 6:00PM and don't forget to bring your LINK EBT card when you come. For every dollar you spend with your card you'll get a dollar's worth of Link Match coupons to purchase more fresh produce. Double your basket with us at the farmers market, without doubling your spend!


Get Some New Gear!

a Black man wearing an orange Forty Acres Fresh Market t-shirt
Show Your Forty Acres Pride At The Market This Summer!

Get ready for the summer, and show your love of your favorite grocer by getting yourself some swag from Forty Acres Fresh Market. Select a t-shirt in black or orange and head out to the farmers market, the laundromat, or casual Fridays at work. Forty Acres is always in style!


What's Growing On?

The countdown is on! There are only 17 days until Forty Acres Fresh Market's Grown Good Box goes on sale for the 2024 Midwest growing season. You have already gotten a taste of this season's harvest with ramps, asparagus, and rhubarb. There is so much more to come. Our favorite local growers gave us a sneak peak at what they have in the ground right now. Urban Growers Collective is cultivating the leafiest of greens with lettuce, spinach, and our fave bok choy. Urban Canopy recently pulled their radishes and they are looking ravishing. B. Lavender Farms is ginning up the ginger in time for summer. This year's Grown Good Box variety is shaping up to be epic. Get ready to go local!


Let's get social!

When you follow us on social media, you get to experience a different side of Forty Acres Fresh Market. We've got videos and photos that are not included in our weekly newsletter or even on our blog. We also love seeing what you're up to, so go ahead and tag us in your Forty Acres related content. You can follow us on TikTok , Instagram , Facebook , and even Twitter*. *We know that the name has changed, but just as you won't hear us calling the Sears Tower Willis Tower, you won't hear us talking about 'X' without Malcom in front of it.


We Want To Know What You Think!

Have you got questions, or maybe you just want to tell us what's on your mind. Well, we want to hear all about it! Speak on it in the comment section below.


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